Your complete guide to email marketing

Email marketing offers one of the highest returns on investment, at a staggering £35.41 for every £ spent. Plus, active email accounts are set to grow to 4.48 billion users by 2024, it’s no wonder marketers are embracing email marketing with open arms. But, getting great results isn’t as easy as clicking send.

Like you, we’ve found ourselves with more downtime than usual. Seeing this as the perfect opportunity to upskill our internal team, it got us thinking… What could we do to help our fellow marketers? There’s never been a better time to learn new skills, so if you’re looking to develop your email marketing know-how, this training series is for you.

As email marketing and automation experts with many years’ experience, we love nothing more than to share insight into the topic. Within this free unique series we’ve collated easily digestible training modules to help fellow marketers grasp the nitty-gritty of email marketing.

Sessions include:

  • Campaign strategy
  • Branding
  • Content
  • Design and build
  • Automation
  • Analytics

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Feel free to share with your friends and colleagues, or if you would like our support, let’s talk. We’re here to help when the timing’s right for you.
